
Four Work Packages (WP) have been designed to achieve the goals set for the project:

WP1: State of the art and the challenges of the psychological health impact of THB

WP1 consists of a desk review of existing knowledge to offer a global and critical assessment of the state of the art, reflect the reality of the phenomenon and identify the current challenges and shortcomings in the study of THB victims’ mental health.

WP2: Psychological impact of THB and consequences for stakeholders’ interactions and interventions

WP2 is the core of the project PHIT and aims at knowing better the history of the victims and the reality of stakeholders’ who work with them on a daily basis, in order to have a more concreate approach of the state of the art. The research has been carried out mainly through interviews, questionnaires and focus groups.

WP3: Psychological impact of THB and consequences for EU Member States’ obligations

In WP3, partners have reviewed state obligations regarding the psychological well-being of THB for sexual exploitation victims, and above all the implementation of European Directives 2011/36, 2012/29 and 2004/81 and have prepared recommendations based on the results of previous WP. 

WP4: Development of tools and improvement of trainings for a better assistance to victims

WP4 focuses on the development of concrete tools for professionals who attend victims and the organization of various sensitization activities, workshops and seminars to prevent secondary victimization and improve support programmes taking into account the psychological condition of these women.